this section is where you’ll find everything Kate, news about upcoming TV appearances, her latest First Flights with Kate Broug episodes, interviews, new pictures. Don’t miss out on new releases!!!!

Kate Broug by Susan Bowlus beautiful First Flights with Kate Broug
Tony Jimed Tony Jimed

KATE BROUG now has a BOEING Stearman biplane

Breaking news!!! Kate just did it again folks. She’s not just flying high in the av world — she’s literally owning it. our favorite redhead pilot has gotten her hands on a 1943 Boeing Stearman. It’s a piece of WWII aviation history which we know is on of her many interests and it’s now in the hands of someone who really deserves it.

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Tony Jimed Tony Jimed

Kate Broug in digital journal -you GOTTA Read this!!!

Alright, well, if you haven’t checked out Kate Broug’s latest article in Digital Journal, youre seriously missing out. This one is great and has so much information and shows how much Kate cares about telling important stories.

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